Ohio Association of Polygraph Examiners, Inc.
The Ohio Association of Polygraph Examiners (O.A.P.E.) consists of approximately 80 members who represent law enforcement, government and private sectors who are dedicated to seeking out the truth while maintaining a sense of integrity, objectivity and fairness to all persons. The goals and objectives of this association are to promote and enhance high standards of professional and ethical conduct, encourage continuing education and training in the field of polygraph, encourage research into instrumentation and techniques, and to regulate the conduct of its members through the establishment and enforcement of a Code of Ethics and a set of Standards and Principles of Practice. Membership is open to all those individuals who meet the qualifications which are outlined under "Types of Memberships". While there is no licensing requirements in the State of Ohio, this Association does provides a "Certification" program whereby its members and/or other polygraph examiners who meet the basic requirement, can receive certification from this Association.
Membership is open to all those individuals who meet the qualifications which are outlined under "Types of Memberships".
While there is no licensing requirements in the State of Ohio, this Association does provides a "Certification" program whereby its members and/or other polygraph examiners who meet the basic requirements, can receive certification from this Association.
Email Solicitation for Donations
It has come to the attention of the board that members are receiving email solicitations requesting money or gift cards. The OAPE does not request donations or sell anything, especially via email. Any messages saying otherwise should be considered a scam. If you have any questions, feel free to reach to one of our board members directly.
Statement on COVID-19 (Novel-Coronavirus)
If you choose to conduct polygraph examinations, the OAPE recommends Ohio polygraph examiners follow the CDC, Ohio Department of Health, and local health department recommendations and guidelines as related to Covid-19. These recommendations include but are not limited to the following: Virus assessment of the examinee as well as yourself, safe distancing where applicable, hand washing, keeping the polygraph room sanitized, and the wearing of face coverings. Remember best practice, as with any polygraph examination, if in doubt, don't.
Credibility Assessment and Voice Stress Position Statement.
In an effort to avoid any association with invalid and inaccurate techniques in truth verification and detection of deception, the Ohio Association of Polygraph Examiners has taken a position against the use of Voice Stress or any Voice Stress device. To date, no published validated studies support CVSA’s ability to meet the high demand of truth verification and detection of deception through validated techniques.
Our position is consistent with the national polygraph associations:
American Polygraph Association
American Association of Police Polygraphists
Statistically, no other techniques or developing techniques come close to the accuracy and validity of polygraph. Contrary to common belief, internet rhetoric and rumor, polygraph is accepted in American courts for its accuracy and reliability in detection of deception and credibility assessment.
The Ohio Association of Polygraph Examiners opposes the use of substandard practices in credibility assessment and detection of deception at all levels of the law enforcement community. Substandard practices place the society we protect at unnecessary risk. Furthermore, the reputation, trust, and confidence in reliable and accurate credibility assessment and detection of deception practices is paramount.
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